Monday, January 10, 2011

a week in...

So. Here we are...first week of the New Year has come and gone...We are pretty excited over here because we went down and got our 2011 business license! We have set financial goals we need to make in order to be able to design full time and open a design studio...and I am so happy to announce that even though we are only doing this part time with NO advertising, for the first week we have succeeded our FULL time financial goal! I hope this is just the start to a great year and I really have to give all the glory to God.

Also, at the end of December I shipped out an order of couture headbands I made especially for Meg Fish. I'm sure you've heard me rave all about her work right on here on my blog!

Looks like they arrived just in time because she was using them as gifts for all her newborn baby girl clients (how sweet is that?) and today I was tagged in this sweet photo! This adorable little girl is the daughter of the wedding photographers over here.

Also excited to announce that the full page ad we designed for Moments To Remember Photography studio (we also designed their logo too :)) is now circulating in this month's issue of Me and Mine.

I should really be in bed right now but my husband is up watching Tombstone and so I figured I'd catch up on my blog reading while the movie is on :)

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